
Sam graduated with a University business degree in 1992 and started 5 different businesses in a row. All 5 were failures. Business number 6 was a dance and music school for kids, which he started with his wife in 1995, the same year they were married. Friends and family members thought that their dance studio venture was a nice hobby but would be a lifelong recipe for poverty. That little business surprised everyone and started doing very well and today they have over 1,000 active students.
In 1999 before Sam and his wife even owned a house they bought their first commercial property for their small business. Today they own over $25 million worth of commercial rental property, including one which has the Canadian federal government as a tenant.
Since 2003 Sam has personally helped over 200 investors buy or build commercial property. His clients range from first time investors buying $300,000 office condos, to bigger investors buying land and building 25,000 square foot, multi-tenant buildings. In 2017 Sam helped an investor buy a $1.4 million building with just a 6% down.
In 2003 Sam started his coaching company, Successful Studio Strategies to coach other dance and music studio owners about business management and owning commercial real estate. In 2005 he began giving marketing and commercial real estate advice to general businesses and professionals in multiple industries.
In 2005 Sam co-authored 4 books about small business and business coaching that have been translated into 9 different languages. To purchase a copy of his books click here.
Sam has been interviewed on national television about his small business and commercial real estate success and has been featured in various national and international print, radio and online media.
In 2008 Sam built his exclusive waterfront coaching center “Creators Landing” which has hosted training sessions for hundreds of business owners.
In addition to business coaching and real estate coaching through Successful Property Strategies, Sam also operates 3 different internet ventures. In 2012, Sam signed an exclusive 5 year licensing/marketing partnership with Fortune 500 Company Mattel for one of their toy characters in the North America, Australia and New Zealand.
In his leisure time Sam is an electric car enthusiast. He owns one of the first original Tesla roadsters delivered to Canada. He visited the original Tesla factory in 2009 and became an early investor in 2010 when the company went public.
Sam is an avid skier and loves the awesome views from the BC mountains. One of his bucket list goals is to ski on Mount Mauna Kea on the big island of Hawaii on one of the rare days each year when it has skiable snow.
Sam also enjoys boating in the mountain waterways of British Columbia with his family on his 33 foot Larson named “Goalsetter”.
Sam is actively involved in several different charities for poverty relief in developing countries. He believes that teaching entrepreneurship and giving micro loans to people in poor communities is the best way to help them build resources, community and establish a sense of hope and possibility.
Sam and his wife Valerie home school their 3 children. Sam works mainly from home and is the family cook. He is obsessed with making the perfect Spaghetti Carbonara. Despite private chef lessons, multiple YouTube videos and two trips to Italy he still can’t quite get it right.
What Experts Say About Sam Beckford's Advice
“Sam Beckford is an inspired business leader and teacher who organizes his information in a way that makes it incredibly easy for anyone to follow. Sam is a master at helping people put ideas into action. Every industry would benefit from a Sam Beckford.”
Julie Morgenstern
Oprah Magazine Columnist
New York Times Bestselling Author of
Organizing From The Inside Out
“Sam Beckford knows how business really works. Even better, he has a unique ability to share this knowledge with other small business owners. He simplifies the complex and produces incredible results for people financially, strategically and personally. I respect his integrity and passion for making a significant difference in people’s lives. “
Les Hewitt
Co-author of the International Bestseller, The Power Of Focus
“Sam Beckford is a true guerrilla hero. Not only did he learn and absorb the teachings of guerrilla marketing, but he also took the action to breathe life into all that he learned. Many people can read. But only the real heroes can translate words into action.”
Jay Conrad Levinson
The Father of Guerrilla Marketing and author of the “Guerrilla Marketing” series
“I interact with a number of top companies and associations throughout my speaking schedule each year but I have yet to encounter a group as powerful as Sam Beckford’s Successful Studio Strategies.
I’ve never seen people so dedicated to a group like this and so continuously transformed by its work. With Sam’s comprehensive Success Strategies, which I had occasion to learn about, it would be almost impossible for a member to fail to super-achieve financially and every other way. The Beckfords’ own success story is legendary, but what is even more impressive to me is that he has found such an awesome delivery system for passing the success on to others.”
Steve Chandler
Author of 100 Ways To Motivate Yourself and Reinventing Yourself
“Deciding if a business conference is worth investing your time and money to attend is never easy. Some are heavily promoted and promise incredible benefits. Unfortunately, they often deliver far less than promised. The speakers may be great, but you go home with little more than an entertaining experience that is less than you could have gotten at a Las Vegas nightclub for far less money. It’s cotton candy for the mind, a waste of time and a hole in your bank account.
Fortunately there are conference providers like Sam Beckford who take a totally different approach. Sam realizes that his job is to provide people who invest in his seminars with ideas that are worth many times the price of attendance. That’s why his conferences are successful and will continue to be so.
I had the pleasure of speaking at one of Sam’s recent conferences. Three things immediately told me that he is doing a great job. First, most of the people in attendance had been to at least one of Sam’s conferences in the past. Second, they shared stories of how they had applied ideas learned at previous meetings to grow their businesses to incredible levels in relatively short periods of time. Finally, I heard Sam speak. His message was filled with sound, action-ready, industry-specific, nut-and-bolts techniques for building a business.
Sam is a young man with business insight, knowledge and wisdom far beyond his years. His conferences deliver great value for the time and money invested. Attend just one and you will likely find yourself attending more in the future.”
Michael LeBoeuf, Ph.D.
Author of 9 best selling business books.